Slytherin 6 (aka House 2) bedroom house- 4144 Falcon Terrace, Tobyhanna, PA 18466 Joe and Susan, Craig and Alysse, Eric and Jesse, Jan and Mike, Rob, and Caitlin’s family.
Ravenclaw 5 (aka House 3) bedroom house- 8505 Bumble Bee Way, Tobyhanna, PA 18466 Marty and Matt, Sean and Christa, Gabby and Connor, Toni and Grant, Ryan and his family.
Gryffindor (aka The Party House) 4 bedroom house-116 Feather Ln, Tobyhanna, PA 18466 Bill and Betty, Bob, John and Beatriz, Dan and Beth.
Hufflepuff house-(aka House 4) 3625 Robin Lane Tobyhanna PA 18466 Rory, Bill and families.

Joe McGowan
July 4, 2024 - 6:17 pm
Hi Dan:
We have Mike and John here and making progress on meals. Don’t know how to edit the calendar so here you go.
Wed night lasagna dinner hosted by Bob and his family
Thurs. Beatriz and John TBD menu
Friday-all you DAN!
Sat cousin’s party hot dogs, hamburgers Brats and salad-each brother has 1 hour grilling shift
Sun-Susan Joe some sort of chicken
Mon-taco night with Bill Craig and Eric
Dan McGowan
July 8, 2024 - 11:28 pm
Please just leave your edits here and I will incorporate.
John McGowan
July 15, 2024 - 9:48 pm
Thanks again for doing this. Here’s my suggested edits . . .
Victor Tufide Open (see Mike)
Trip to the Water Park (see Billy)
Women’s Spa Day (see Susan)
delete mention of Spades Tourney bracket selection due to space constraints.
Suggested Poolside Activities:
Ping-Pong; Cornhole
Spades Tourney Begins
Suggested Poolside Activities:
Wiffle-Ball, Shuffleboard
Hiking (see Gabby)