The Big Push

The first girl I ever had any kind of social interaction with (besides my five female cousins who lived a couple of blocks away) happened at a dance for the graduating 8th graders and alumni of the preceding class of Sacred Heart parochial school. So basically 8th graders and freshmen who had just completed their first year of high school. I do not recall going to the dance as an 8th grader – but that was probably because as a freshmen this was the first time ever for the dance. The dance was the brainchild of

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Spring Break Padre Island

Both myself and my cousin Kevin were going to graduate school at the University of Texas at Austin and decided to drive down to Padre Island near Corpus Christi, TX for spring break. It was either 1977 or 1978. I had bought a big old car, not sure what make it was – maybe a Gran Prix – for $350 from one of my teachers after he got me a loan from the faculty credit union. It was a big hunk of American metal, comfortable and good – except for one thing

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